
資料來源: Google Book

Radiotherapy physics and equipment / Samantha Morris ; contribution by Andy Williams ; foreword by Angela Newing.


This book provides a comprehensive and current review of selected radiotherapy treatment units. Not only will it be invaluable to undergraduates but also to qualified staff who have not had the opportunity to study the academic principles behind the dramatic advances in radiotherapy equipment in recent years. Each chapter contains the basic physical principles associated with each piece of equipment, building upon these ideas to examine the structure, function and applications of the machine in question. Critical evaluation of each piece of equipment is included to allow the undergraduate studentto begin to develop such skills, and learning points incorporated through each chapter encourage the student to apply this fundamental learning to their own specific and unique clinical environment. Implications of proposed changes to IRR 85 and 88 are reviewed Text centres on the linear accelerator and its role in the RT department Provides current examples of recommended texts and journal articles Chapter order reflects the path of the patient through a RT department Formative assessment is included, along with chapter objectives

資料來源: Google Book
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