護理報告之課室教學與臨床應用 / 林明珍著.
護理報告之課室教學與臨床應用 = The teaching and application of nursing reports / 林明珍作.
護理報告之課室教學與臨床應用 [電子書] = The teaching and application of nursing reports / 林明珍編著
護理報告之撰寫與應用 / 林明珍作.
營養師試題全輯 / 匯華編輯部編著.
醫護生死學 = Health care thanatology / 鈕則誠著.
餐旅衛生與安全管理 = Hospitality sanitation and safety management / 傅安弘著.
團體膳食供應與管理實務 = Quantity food service and management / 章樂綺等作.
實用乳房超音波 : 技術、判讀、鑑別診斷 = The practice of breast ultrasound : techniques, findings, and differential diagnosis / 趙子傑著.