
資料來源: TAAZE 讀冊

電影藝術 : 形式與風格 / 大衛.鮑德威爾(David Bordwell),克莉絲汀.湯普遜(Kristin Thompson)著 ; 曾偉禎譯.


李安說:「David Bordwell我是很熟的,他寫的書,去讀,沒錯!」

最令人興奮的是,其實我們平常蒐集的原版DVD 電影裡,常會收錄幕後花絮及製作過程的紀錄片,收納當代電影技術的製作過程,正是無可比擬、超級棒的教學影片!作者細心幫忙找出具代表性的影片,並加以分類,與章節的主題結合,更是不用進電影課堂,就可以在家自己充實學習的現成影像教材。

資料來源: TAAZE 讀冊
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大衛‧鮑德威爾 (David Bordwell)擁有愛荷華大學電影碩士及博士學位,是威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校電影學院的榮譽教授。著作包括The Films of Carl-Theodor Dreyer (University of California Press, 1981)、Narration in the Fiction Film (University of Wisconsin Press, 1985)、Ozu and the Poetics of Cinema (Princeton University Press, 1988)、Making Meaning: Inference and Rhetoric in the Interpretation of Cinema (Harvard University Press, 1989)、The Cinema of Eisenstein (Harvard University Press, 1933)、On the History of Film Style (Harvard University Press, 1997)、Planet Hong Kong: Popular Cinema and the Art of Entertainment (Harvard University Press, 2000)、Figures Traced in Light: On Cinematic Staging (University of California Press, 2005)、The Way Hollywood Tells It: Story and style in Modern Movie (University of California Press, 2006)、Poetics of Cinema (Routledge, 2008),以及Pandora’s Digital Box: Films Files, and the Future of Movies (Irvington Way Institute Press, 2012)。曾榮獲優良大學教授獎,並獲頒哥本哈根大學榮譽學位。

克莉絲汀‧湯普遜 (Kristin Thompson)是威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校榮譽研究員,擁有愛荷華大學電影碩士學位,及威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校之電影博士學位。著作有Eisenstein’s Ivan the Terrible: A Neoformalist Analysis (Princeton University Press, 1981);Exporting Entertainment: America in World Film Market 1907-1934 (British Film Institute, 1985);Breaking the Glass Armor: Neoformalist Film Analysis (Princeton University Press, 1988);Wooster Proposes, Jeeves Disposes, or, Le Mot Juste (James H. Heineman, 1992);Storytelling in the New Hollywood: Understanding Classical Narrative Technique (Harvard University Press, 1999);Storytelling in the Film and Television (Harvard University Press, 2003);Herr Lubitsch Goes To Hollywood: German and American Film after World War I (Amsterdam University Press, 2005);The Frodo Franchise: The Lord of the Rings and Modern Hollywood (University of California Press, forthcoming 2007)。她與大衛兩人合作的部落格為www.davidbordwell.net/blog,也是TheOneRing.net 的主要供稿者。她在業餘時間並從事埃及古物學研究。
  兩位作者合著Film History: An Introduction(McGraw-Hill, 1994;國內已由廖金鳳先生翻譯為《電影史》上下集,由台灣麥格羅‧希爾公司於2000年出版),Minding Movies: Observations on the Art, Craft, and Business of Filmmaking (University of Chicago Press, 2011),並與珍娜‧史塔格(Janet Staiger,紐約大學電影教授)合著The Classical Hollywood Cinema: Film Style and Mode of Production to 1960 (Columbia University Press, 1985)。

資料來源: TAAZE 讀冊