
資料來源: 三民書局

Cambridge English for marketing / Nick Robinson, series editor, Jeremy Day.

  • 作者: Robinson, Nick.
  • 其他題名:
    • Cambridge professional English.
  • 出版: Cambridge : Cambridge Univ Press 2010.
  • 叢書名: Cambridge professional English.
  • 主題: English language--Business English. , English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers.
  • ISBN: 9780521124607: (pbk): NT685 、 0521124603 (pbk. : Student's Book with audio CD)
  • 一般註:Includes glossary. "In collaboration with The Chartered Institute of Marketing."--Cover p. [iv] The role of marketing -- Marketing plan 1: audit and objectives -- Marketing plan 2: strategy and tactics -- International customer communications -- Market research -- New product development (NPD) and branding -- Product launch and promotion -- Digital marketing -- Agencies and suppliers -- Exhibitions and events. Includes Index.
  • 讀者標籤:
  • 引用連結:
  • 系統號: 000247929 | 機讀編目格式


本教材乃劍橋大學出版社和英國皇家特許行銷學會(Chartered Institute of Marketing, CIM)合作認可出版之行銷精簡課程。透過實務學習活動來擴充行銷領域專業用語及溝通技巧;真實情境的練習協助行銷人才對實際工作場域能有充分準備。內容涵蓋行銷相關主題包括行銷計畫、市場研究、品牌行銷及數位行銷等,十個獨立單元讓學生能專注在切身範疇。除專業行銷用語外,學生同時能建立工作特殊技能


Cambridge English for marketing is for intermediate to upper-intermediate level (B1-B2) learners of English who need to use English in a marketing environment. The course can be used in the classroom or for self-study. Endorsed by The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), this short course (10 units comprising 40-60 hours teaching time) uses practical tasks and realistic scenarios to develop the specialist language and communication skills needed for a wide range of marketing-specific activities, such as carrying out marketing audits using SWOT, PESTEL and Five Forces analyses; planning the marketing mix; preparing marketing campaigns; organising events and exhibitions; and developing digital marketing strategies. Each of the ten units is based around a case study, and across the course you will see marketers at work in a variety of industries, including automotive, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, financial services, travel and international property. The course also includes a glossary of key marketing terms.

資料來源: 三民書局
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