文化雙融 [電子書] : 執兩用中的策略新思維 = Ambicultural thinking and practice : taking the "middle way" in the modern world / 陳明哲著
日臺災害防救之公私協力 [電子書] = Public-private partnership for disaster reduction in Japan and Taiwan / 林淑馨著
公共行銷管理 [電子書] = Marketing in the public sector / 丘昌泰著
地方政府管理 [電子書] : 結構與功能的分析 = Local government management : analysis on structure and functions / 呂育誠著
現代不動產估價 [電子書] : 理論與實務 = Real estate appraisal : theory and practice / 賴碧瑩著