
資料來源: Google Book

Expert system techniques in biomedical science practice [electronic resource] / Prasant Kumar Pattnaik, Aleena Swetapadma, and Jay Sarraf.

  • 其他作者:
  • 出版: Hershey, PA : Medical Information Science Reference 2018
  • 叢書名: Advances in bioinformatics and biomedical engineering (ABBE) book series
  • 主題: Expert Systems , Medical Informatics Applications
  • ISBN: 9781522551508 (ebk.) 、 9781522551492 (hbk.)
  • URL: 點擊此處查看電子書
  • 一般註:Includes bibliographical references (p. 200-275). A medical decision support system based on ensemble of complex-valued radial basis function networks / Musa Peker, Hüseyin Gürüler, Ayhan Istanbullu -- Development of an automated decision support system for diagnosis of digestive disorders using electrogastrograms : an approach based on empirical mode decomposition and k-means algorithm / Arivarasu Rajagopal, Paramasivam Alagumariappan, Kamalanand Krishnamurthy -- Spider silk as an edible coating to preserve perishable fruits / Hafiz Muhammad Tahir -- A novel kernel based fuzzy clustering approach to identify masses in mammograms / Arnab Chattaraj, Arpita Das -- Design and development of capacitance sensor array for analyzing the non-homogeneity in biological materials : a smart sensing approach / Sahana Apparsamy, Kamalanand Krishnamurthy -- A novel kernel based fuzzy clustering approach to indentify the masses in mammograms -- Arnab chattaraj, arpita das -- Cardiac intracellular electrophysiology : an introduction to modeling and simulation / Chitaranjan Mahapatra -- Clinical decision support systems for efficient disease monitoring and diagnosis in developing countries / Smriti Mishra, Mohammad Imran Shah -- Design of clinical decision support system using artificial intelligence technique / Prem Pal Singh Tomar -- Effect of a romantic song on the autonomic nervous system and the heart of indian male volunteers / Soumanti Das, Rohit Verma, Suraj Kumar Nayak, Arfat Anis, Debaki Nandan Tibarewala. 111年度臺灣學術電子書暨資料庫聯盟採購
  • 讀者標籤:
  • 引用連結:
  • 系統號: 000298941 | 機讀編目格式


Before the integration of expert systems in biomedical science, complex problems required human expertise to solve them through conventional procedural methods. Advancements in expert systems allow for knowledge to be extracted when no human expertise is available and increases productivity through quick diagnosis. Expert System Techniques in Biomedical Science Practice is an essential scholarly resource that contains innovative research on the methods by which an expert system is designed to solve complex problems through the automation of decision making through the use of if-then-else rules rather than conventional procedural methods. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as image processing, bio-signals, and cognitive AI, this book is a vital reference source for computer engineers, information technologists, biomedical engineers, data-processing specialists, medical professionals, and industrialists within the fields of biomedical engineering, pervasive computing, and natural language processing.


"This book explores the strategic role of expert system techniques in biomedical science practice. It covers topics such as biomedical signal and image processing, artificial intelligence, biomedical Learning, control systems, and the implementation of soft computing techniques in biomedical engineering"--

資料來源: Google Book
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