
資料來源: 圖書館

Biochemistry for dummies [electronic resource] / by John T. Moore and Richard Langley.

  • 作者: Moore, John T., 1947-
  • 其他作者:
  • 其他題名:
    • --For dummies.
  • 出版: Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2022.
  • 叢書名: --For dummies
  • 主題: Biochemistry. , Biochemistry
  • 版本:3rd edition.
  • ISBN: 9781119860976 (ebk.): NT1946 、 1119860970 (ebk.) 、 9781119860969 (ebk.) 、 1119860962 (ebk.)
  • URL: 電子書(校內)
  • 一般註:E1123學校採購Wiley電子教科書 Includes index. Part 1: Setting the stage: basic biochemistry concepts -- Biochemistry: What you need to know and why -- Seems so basic: Water chemistry and pH -- Fun with carbon: Organic chemistry -- part 2: The meat of biochemistry: proteins -- Amino acids: The building blocks of protein -- Protein structure and function -- Enzyme kinetics: Getting there faster -- part 3: Carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and more, oh my -- What we crave: Carbohydrates -- Lipids and membranes -- Nucleic acids and the code of life -- Vitamins: Both simple and complex -- Hormones: The body's messengers -- part 4: Bioenergetics and pathways -- Life and energy -- ATP: The body's monetary system -- Smelly biochemistry: Nitrogen in biological systems -- part 5: Genetics: why we are what we are -- Photocopying DNA -- Transcribe this! RNA transcription -- Translation: Protein synthesis -- part 6: The part of tens -- Ten great applications of biochemistry -- Ten biochemistry careers.
  • 讀者標籤:
  • 引用連結:
  • 系統號: 000307554 | 機讀編目格式



In Biochemistry For Dummies, you'll explore the carbons, proteins, and cellular systems that make up the biochemical processes that create and sustain life of all kinds using easy-to-follow diagrams and real-world examples.

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