聚焦全民英檢 : 中級模擬測驗 = Focus on GEPT : with 6 comprehensive simulated tests and full explanations, this test book is sure to help you score high on the authentic test / 賴世雄總編審.
文意選填聽我說 = Mastering blank-filling clozed tests by listening / 賴世雄著.
中級全真模擬試題 / 賴世雄編著.
和老外打開話匣子. How to become a talkative person about food / 談飲食 = 賴世雄總編審.
教你說會議英語 = Everything you need to know about English for meetings / 賴世雄總編審.
中級閱讀能力測驗 : 閱讀理解 / 賴世雄編著.
中級追分片語909 / 賴世雄編著.
全民英檢GEPT聽力測驗. 初級 / 賴世雄編著.
中高級聽力測驗 / 賴世雄編著.
初級閱讀能力測驗 : 閱讀理解 / 賴世雄編著.